Category: General


Shortening the retention periods for accounting documents

With the fourth Bureaucracy Relief Act of 29 October 2024, the retention period for accounting documents (§ 257 Abs. 4 HGB für Buchungsbelege; §…

Introduction of the screenshot feature in Microsoft Edge via CTRL+SHIFT+S key combination in IKAROS

In the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, a feature has been added that allows users to take screenshots by using the CTRL+SHIFT+S key combination….

Critical error in the delivery of the ZV forms (delivery on 14/08/2024)

We would like to inform you about a critical error in the delivery of the corrections to the ZVFV forms from last week. The…

Electronic invoice

The Growth Opportunities Act of 27 March 2024 also introduced a comprehensive e-invoicing obligation in Germany. This primarily affects customers in the B2B sector….

ELT: New version of the beA component available

The BRAK is planning to switch off version V8 of the law firm software interface at the beginning of November 2024. In preparation for…